Competitive Edge’s RISE program is an all inclusive off-season training program designed to take your advancement aged athlete (Bantams / U14 through Juniors) to the next level of on-ice skill, game knowledge, and physical capacity. In short it is all about achieving the maximum performance level for each individual. A cornerstone of the RISE program is its inherent focus not only on your athlete’s next season, but on his or her career. Athletes that have the type of dedication and work ethic mandatory for the RISE program are worried not only about their performance today, but even more so also about their future in hockey. This program was designed to give this caliber player all the tools he or she needs to ensure success both in today’s performance as well as tomorrow’s.
That being said, a perfect program does no good if the athlete that it was designed for is unwilling to put in the time and effort necessary to improve his or her game. The RISE program was designed to be custom tailored to a small number of highly motivated, hard working athletes that are interested in taking their game to the next level. An athlete that is unwilling to consistently train and work, need not apply.
Of course your best results don’t come from training near your maximum ALL the time! This statement is absolutely true. The athlete that this program was developed for has more trouble with overtraining than not training hard enough. Our team of experts monitors training loads and accounts for external stressors that can inhibit adaptation and recovery from workouts and training sessions. It is this high level of individual detail that sets the RISE program apart. We want our athletes to train as hard as they possibly can. But we will not let them overtrain, as overtraining can be more detrimental than not training hard enough. This is accomplished through careful monitoring of biological feedback using state of the art heart monitors and tracking technology. By closely monitoring the athletes ability to train on a day to day basis we get exactly one hundred percent out of each.
The RISE program was designed to be an all inclusive 7 month off season training program. Athlete’s will work in groups however each will receive individual attention and programming through every phase of preparation.