The Bullet treadmill is not the first skating treadmill developed, but it has unique features that you won’t find with other skating treadmills.
What Sets the Bullet Treadmill Apart
- Extra “drop-back” distance allows for speed burst training
- 270-degree around-the-skater multitasking deck gives skaters an opportunity to develop creative stick handling techniques while executing an ideal stride
- Increased top speed for top speed technique refinement
- Feedback lines, guide push direction, recovery location, and stick handling techniques
If you are looking for private skating coaching, we have designed our system to enable just that while reducing cost by not requiring ice time.
Additional Bullet Treadmill Benefits
Like other skating treadmills, the Bullet is a great setting for players to work on and reinforce keys you would find in power skating in general.
- Deep Knee bend
- Posture
- Extension
- Recovery location and timing
- Smoothness
- The Bullet Treadmill will make you a more powerful skater!
A final benefit to the Bullet Treadmill is the opportunity to take advantage of The Stride Matrix. Click here to learn more about it!