Skating Treadmill Technology


The Bullet Treadmill and The Crossover Flywheel

Competitive Edge is not satisfied with the status quo of hockey skating development or even the leading technological edge of said discipline, namely skating treadmills.  To advance the state of the skating treadmill art, we have iteratively investigated the following questions…

  • What would it take to effectively do crossovers on a skating treadmill device?
  • What is it about skating treadmills that leads to their reputation among some as having a negative impact on the skating stride?
  • What training advantages can you make use of during skating treadmill training that arise from the high level of control the instructor has over what is asked of a student?
  • What training advantages can you make use of that result from the instructor’s close proximity to the skater which fosters the opportunity to make very fast feedback-and-correction loops as the student is performing their technique?
  • What can we add to the environment to enrich the training further?
  • How can we ensure that no matter the level of the skater, there is always a new frontier of skill that we can push them to?
  • Can’t you focus on conditioning with much less expensive training methods than skating treadmills?

Our answers to these questions are the Crossover Flywheel and the Bullet Treadmill, the tools that we use in conjunction with them, plus the methods and systems for use that we have in place to get the most out of them.


To better grasp what the Crossover Flywheel is all about, click here.


To better grasp what the Bullet Treadmill is all about, click here.

Competitive Edge has systems in place to bring your staff up to speed and up to a very high level of training performance quickly. Read on to find out more!